Immigration is Hopeless Under Biden Administration

The immigration court backlog has risen from 1.2 million to 2.0 million cases… under the Biden administration. Almost 800,000 asylum applications are pending, and an average wait of 4.3 years for hearings.

Biden’s Border Crisis Worsens This Year

The majority of illegal crossers are not: 

  • Put in detention facilities;
  • Or expelled under Title 42

Instead, they are processed for outcomes… allowing them to be released into the United States.

To address this issue, a new Dedicated Docket was announced on May 28th, 2021. It intends to expeditiously and fairly make decisions on immigration cases. However, unrepresented families rarely manage to file papers needed without representation.

Only 34% of completed families had representation, while only 7.4% were granted asylum. Hence, Vera Institute proposed providing legal defense for every migrant in Dedicated Docket proceedings at no expense to the government…

Moreover, Biden was furious over the influx of migrants at the US southern border. Aides recall hearing him curse and express frustration… due to the lack of solutions for the crisis.  Harris also received criticism for handling the immigration problem terribly.

The Supreme Court recently ruled that Title 42 border policy must remain in place despite a federal judge ruling last month… that it should end.

Dems to Remove Title 42?

In reality, the border crisis isn’t related to Title 42. Rather, it stems from the Biden administration’s immigration policy. 

There was no comparable border crisis when the CDC reported the first laboratory-confirmed case of COVID in the US… or when it issued the Title 42 order.

The Border Patrol had more than 2.2 million encounters with illegal crossers at the Southwest border in fiscal 2022. compared to 851,508 apprehensions in fiscal 2019 before the issuance of the title 42 order, and less than half were expelled under Title 42. Most migrants are processed for outcomes allowing them to be released into the US.

According to a DHS Inspector General’s report, 1,049,532 illegal crossers have been released into the US. This administration has failed to do so effectively, leading to a record-breaking surge in illegal crossings.  

Biden’s measures will fail if they continue to release a large percentage of illegals crossing without detention or prosecution…

Right now, officials are bracing for the end of Title 42 this January. Republicans on Capitol Hill have warned that ending Title 42 will lead to an influx of migrants and a border crisis. 

One of our patriot leaders, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, criticized Biden and Harris for not having another plan before it ended. 

Christie said during a discussion on ABC, “They’ve made promises well over their skis on Title 42, now don’t know how to get out of it. And if we’re looking at 14,000 to 18,000 people cross[ing] the border a day, there’s going to be mayhem down there.”

Democrats have long been critical of Title 42, However, it was used at an even higher rate under Biden’s administration… turning away 2.5 million people since 2020.

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